GODZILLA by Polar Lights
Built 1/5/2018
Painted 10/16/2019
This was the first of the classic Aurora Monster Models (in this case, a late-90s repop from Polar Lights) I assembled back when I first started getting back into model building, and it's sat on a shelf ever since. But after Gorgo and the T-Rex, I felt a lot more confident about painting giant lizards, so I pulled it down off the shelf and slapped some paint on it.
As this is "Aurora Godzilla" - as opposed to any of the Toho Films Godzillas... or the "Hanna-Barbara Godzilla"... or the "Marvel Comics Godzilla"... you get the idea - I decided to paint him the way this kit has traditionally been painted, i.e. green. I have two other Godzilla kits that are more Toho-accurate, so I'll probably paint those movie charcoal gray when I get to them.
I didn't do a lot of gradients or anything fancy with this one, but I did give the whole guy a pretty heavy black wash, and then highlighted the fins and forehead with some drybrushed olive green.
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