THE GRIM REAPER by Moebius Models Built 1/2018 Painted 10/26/2018
I'm really happy with how this turned out - the paint, the scenics on the base - it's exactly how I hoped it would look. I've seen some build-ups of this kit online where the modellers went way overboard with adding scenic foliage to the base, but I figured, this is the Grim Reaper, so everything should be dead, right? So I covered the ground with dead leaves (imported from China!) and tufts of dead grass. The cobweb in the tree was a single strand of simple, cheap Halloween webbing.
FLASH GORDON by Atlantis Models Built 2/2018 Painted 10/26/2018
"Pathetic Earthlings. Who will save you now?"
This is the Atlantis Models re-issue of the 1965 Revell Flash Gordon and the Martian kit. I chose not to build and include the goofy little Martian, nor attach the clear plastic space helmet. This is my first human figure paint-up. I chose not to follow the paint scheme on the box, which was a simple white spacesuit, in favor of more Flash-y colors. The paint job is a little rough - I had a devil of a time getting a smooth even coat with the red and yellow paints, neither of which covered the gray primer very well. Further, I found my hand a little unsteady when it came to detail work like the yellow stripes on his sleeves and pant legs, the belt, straps, etc. I also have a long way to go before I master painting faces. While I was painting it, I was convinced that it was a disaster, but while it's not the perfect, pro paint job I had in my head, it's not terrible. I have to learn patience - both while painting (I tend to rush) and with my own learning curve. If I stick with it, I'll improve over time.
THE MUMMY by Polar Lights Built 9/8/2018 Painted 10/21/2018
"For who shall defile the temples of the ancient gods, a cruel and
violent death shall be his fate, and never shall his soul find rest unto
eternity. Such is the curse of Amon-Ra, king of all the gods. "
This is the Polar Lights re-issue of the legendary 60's Aurora Mummy kit, from around 2000. I bought it at the Toys 'R' Us in Boca Raton, Florida... and then it sat in storage until this year. My first classic Aurora monster. I didn't putty/sand the seams since I worried that I'd lose too much of the bandage detail... and, well, it would be a hell of a lot of frustrating work. I sprayed the base with a base coat of camouflage tan and the Kharis figure with a flat white, then hit both with multiple washes of brown and black.
I think I slightly overdid the wash on the
wrappings and I wish I'd spent a little more time on the face, but the real white sand I added to the base worked out well.
CORNELIUS by Polar Lights Built 5/2016 Painted 10/21/2018
This is a 2000 Polar Lights/Aurora re-issue of the 1975 Addar kit.
I tried to match the colors to the Planet of the Apes film costume closely. I applied some tufts of scenic grass and some moss to liven up the base, but I didn't want to go overboard with the detailing. Overall, I like the way this turned out.
I had the original Addar kit as a kid, but never painted it.
MARTIAN WAR MACHINE by Pegasus Models Built/Painted 9/2018
I love this ship from the 1953 George Pal production of H.G. Well's War of the Worlds -- and I didn't screw up a single thing on the model.
The copper spray job is nice and even and looks a lot better in reality than it
does in these photos. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
I didn't paint the base, though I may do so later.
ALIEN by Lindberg Models Built 5/2016 Painted 10/16/2018 My very first fully-painted figure model kit, two years in the making! I picked this up several years ago at the Waterville Marden's discount store for about five bucks. I assembled it in May of 2016, and finally got around to painting it this month.
A super simple kit to build and paint... but that made it a good one to start with. Most build-ups I've seen of this kit online gave the Grey a silver jumpsuit, but I went with a flecked, metallic blue. The base was primed in a dark gray, which I drybrushed with a lighter gray before hitting the whole thing with a heavy black wash.